Friday, March 14, 2008

RE: B.C. to tighten civic election rules

I was pleased to see that the Province is introducing legislation to tighten municipal election finance rules for the upcoming election. The Minister said it was in reaction to the Coquitlam First organization that raised $100,000 in campaign donations, but didn't have to disclose the donors because it wasn't an official electoral organization. Voice New Westminster believes this is badly needed legislation, but we also agree with NDP MLA Charlie Wyse that it doesn't go far enough. Voice has already started complying by supplying the public with the financial sources for our ads in a letter to the editor.

However, will the unofficial slate endorsed by the Labour Council in the last election, that included councillors Cote, Harper, and Williams- if they haven't already - come forward with a complete accounting of all donations? Will School Trustees do the same if they haven't? Will they include the market value of in-kind donations. What was the value of their campaign office in the Burnaby union headquarters? What was the value for the use of phones, and how much was their campaign manager paid? In addition, will the self-professed choice of labour, Mayor Wright declare any in-kind donations from this group if he hasn't already.

The New Westminster NDP added a municipal mailing to their 2005 financial statements declared to Elections BC. Were candidates from the Labour Council slate included in this mailing? Was Mayor Wright included? If they were included and haven't declared it will they do so? I was a member of the NDP in 2005 and I don't recall a motion to approve a municipal mailing, either by the President at the time Councillor Harper or his successor Rick Carswell. Was it even approved by their members?

Voice New Westminster began complying with the new legislation even before it's been introduced in the legislature. In the spirit of transparency will the Labour Council slate and Mayor Wright do the same?

Steve McClurg, city issues chair, Voice New Westminster

(NewsLeader March 13, 2008)

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