Friday, August 29, 2008

Voice announced its complete slate of candidates for mayor and council

Voice issued a media release on Thursday, August 28th, 2008 announcing the list of those who will be representing Voice in the upcoming municipal election for the positions of mayor and council.


Anonymous said...

And to think, I had to look here to find your opinion.

Anonymous said...

What a strong list of candidates for the Mayoralty and Council. A mix of good leadership, experience and grass roots participation.
A significant upgrade from the special interest candidates currently in office.
At the mayoralty level, it will be a contest of style vs. substance. Blair Armitage is a critical thinker, who understands the balance between neighborhood, city, and regional interests.
Wayne Hi-rise Wright, has shown he is not capable of understanding complexity, is incapable of real leadership, and plays fast and loose with the truth. As somebody posted on this site, whenever Wright says something, it is a trite shallow utterance, something he read on a bumper sticker.
The damage done to the physical and financial infrastructure in the last six years is immense.
It is time for change.
New Westminster, seize this opportunity, vote Voice!!!