We need to have full disclosure of funding for municipal campaigns. The general taxpayer helps to fund our provincial parties because donors to provincial political parties receive tax credits that reduce the taxes they pay. The purpose of these tax credits is to support candidates for provincial office, not to help finance municipal candidates. However, the executive of the local NDP constituency association declared in its 2005 financial statement to Elections BC that they paid for a municipal mailing. This funding was provided to support candidates for municipal office without the consent of the general membership. As a member of and regular contributor to the local NDP, I did not find out about this until the treasurer presented her report to the 2006 AGM. One of the members of City Council, who ran and was elected in 2005, was on the executive that diverted money contributed to the provincial party to the municipal campaigns of select candidates without the input of the general membership.
It is interesting to note that the President of the local NDP for part of 2005 was wanabee labour council candidate Rick Carswell. The same person the they have taking up space on six city committees. He took over from Bill Harper.There was complaint by their members surrounding the fact they never had a vote of the NDP members. Sounds like the same lack of transparency that happens at rhe city council level
It is very intersting to hear comments from inside the "party".
At a city level, it is abundantly clear that an agreement was reached between the DLC slate and High-Rise Wright. This agreement, brokered by Puchmayr, allows allof the partipants to meet their needs, but the damage to the city is staggering.
This is too much, first Mr. McEvoy is everywhere on every association and committee going, and now Mr. Carswell?! I don't think these people WORK for a living because they must always be at committee meetings! The representation is too concentrated among too few to be able to assign credibility to either the individuals or the party-line. Is this a sign of how thin they are within their own political ranks?
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