Friday, June 27, 2008

We're Still Waiting

Voice New Westminster, and the residents of the City of New Westminster are still waiting for the 12th St. Society, to come up with information regarding the $100,000 in taxpayer money which they received from the City.

When the 12th St. Society was dissolved by the Province of B.C., full information should have been provided by the Society.

That is all that Voice has ever asked for, accountability. We have seen a huge commotion kicked up, but we have seen no facts and figures.We have seen statements from the 12th St society that, in turn, blamed their own secretaries, Voice for picking on volunteers, a past member, all classicdodge and evade actions.

We have seen statements that information will be forthcoming. We're waiting.

We have seen attacks on those asking the questions.

We have not seen any answers.

Voice believes in putting the interests of residents, businesses and taxpayers first. Voice believes in accountability. We demand it of others, we demand it of ourselves.

It is time for answers!!!


Anonymous said...

I am a little disturbed, that this blog has a negative slant on everything political. WHO is VOICE. You hide your names but like to say alot,,, what are you hiding from,,

Anonymous said...

One would think the City of New Westminster Mayor and Council would be demanding a full audit of the taxpayers money given to this Society! This Society like all others registered in this Province have a legal obligation, especially when they seek Taxpayer funding, to properly account for those funds.

Don't try to hide behind the old 'why are they picking on us poor volunteers" Certainly if they were smart enough to apply for funding one would think they would know their obligations after
receiving that money.

Anonymous said...

The longer this goes on without answers, the more questions arise. You would think that the folks who are responsible would move mountains to provide answers.
Why are the papers not demanding answers? Why is Council not demanding answers?
Who feels even a remote responsibility to the taxpayer?
Whatever happened to integrity? Accountability?
This whole thing is starting to reek.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who complains about anonymity ought not blog in anonymously.

Of the political issues discussed on this blog, a reasonable person would be hard-pressed to comment favorably. It is difficult to be positive about the glaring negativity exampled by too many of our New Westminster politicos.

No if-s, and-s, or but-s, the misuse of public funds that were granted to a group that is politically "on-side" with the Mayor and a number of the councillors is distasteful and is a betrayal of the public trust.

Answers from the 12th Street Society and from the City should be offered NOW.

Anonymous said...

It has been 3 weeks since the original post. No response from the 12th St Neighborhood Society.
If I was an executive on this group I would make sure the public got the information. One thing is clear, either they don't have it, or they are hiding it.

Anonymous said...

Jaimie, Neil, Michael, Gavin, anybody home?
We are waiting - financial information, remember?
All the whining, (they're picking on us poor volunteers), all the victimology.
It is time for leadership, accountability.
Jaimie, the pattern is starting to show.