Sunday, November 23, 2008

Grimston Park - a much larger issue

A whole new generation of New Westminster parents seem to be waking up to the morbidly dysfunctional monolith that calls itself the New Westminster School Board. At issue is the lack of transparency and public process in the decision-making process around the Grimston park proposals (aka “business as usual” in SD #40).

Following the recent civic election, in which voter apathy was once again the ultimate victor, West End parent Cynthia Smith sent an email to Superintendent John Woudzia regarding the Grimston Park issue. In response, Smith received an email from District Labour Council school trustee James Janzen that she clearly found very insulting.

Here is a bit of the email exchange that took place between Cynthia Smith and James Janzen:

1. Cynthia Smith’s email to Superintendent John Woudzia:

Date: November 20, 2008 9:12:05 AM PST
Subject: Grimston Park - a much larger issue

At some point those who represent us must realize that unilateral decisions made behind closed doors and affecting so many are not acceptable - the Grimston Park issue is cited on A4 of the Vancouver Sun today and you may expect the community to watch closely and follow-up.

Cynthia Smith

2. James Janzen’s response to Cynthia Smith:

Subject: Re: Grimston Park - a much larger issue (E-mail from School District #40)
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 17:19:51 -0800

Cynthia Smith

the report in the Vancouver Sun was of course wrong as so many newspaper reports are. The only decision made was to take the Grimston Park option out for consultation. Anybody who says otherwise is lying. Unfortunately many people prefer to listen to lies, rumours and gossip and will not listen to the truth.

James Janzen

3. Cynthia Smith’s response to James Janzen:

James Janzen,

Your memory of the October 28th, 2008 meeting appears to differ from mine.

Here is the point of difference: Mr Alkins announced that the municipality, the province and the school district had agreed to the land swap between Grimston Park and the old Douglas Rd cemetery site. Mr. Alkins said that he was presenting those in attendance with the choice between a middle school somewhere on Grimston park land, and an elementary school somewhere on Grimston park land. He had current quotes for building, and all that remained was for the school size "option" to be decided. He concluded by saying that he wanted the contractors in place by November 2008 (in other words, right now).

James Janzen, I have spent more than 8 years in post graduate study, in such places as the Smithsonian and the Library of Congress - are you saying to me that I did not understand the presentation that I attended on October 28, 2008 at Lord
Tweedsmuir elementary school in New Westminster, BC?

If you suggest that I shouldn't have believed the presentation, then why was it held at all? What should one believe given the presentation on Oct 28, and the information on the Translink web site? You repeatedly tell me not to believe what I hear. Of course, you must realize that that would include what you are telling me as well.

Cynthia Smith

Our hats are off to Cynthia Smith and the new generation of New Westminster parents who have now been initiated into the shadowy workings of the New Westminster school district. Only time will tell if this new generation can sound the death knell for voter apathy in New Westminster. Stay tuned…


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Cynthia Smith for sticking to her guns.
What arrogance is displayed by the Chair of the School Board.
Meanwhile, the Vice-Chair totally berates the CEO of a community organization because she had the temerity to stand up for her organization, in writing a letter to the local rag (we're being kind here).
The School Board should come up with an anti-bullying policy for these two schmuks.

Anonymous said...

Obviously it is "business as usual" for James Janzen. It really is amazing to me that so many of these trustees have been able to come back year after year given their ineptitude and the arrogance they display towards the parents of this community.
These jokers have had years to work out the issues our district faces and yet they were given another 3 years to "take another swing at it."
Hopefully the few new trustees can bring a new perspective to the old way of doing things. Maybe the contrast between the "old" and the "new" voices will resonate with people in 2011 and we can get some real change in this city.

Anonymous said...

Don't count on change in New Westminster. Becuase of the city's lackadaisical "Ferdinand Marcos, President for Life" at-large balloting process the opportunity for virtually undetectable voter fraud is huge. Perhaps that explains how the same "jokers" keep getting re-elected year after year. Start there if you want to see change.

Anonymous said...

Smells like some sour grapes over some of the Voiceites that were shut out of the election. Particularly the comment about the "at large" voting system. And the rather bogus allegation of "voter fraud." Any proof or is it just business as usual for Voice, throw enough crap against the wall and see what sticks.

Anonymous said...

One man's "sour grapes" can sometimes be another man's fine wine. Comments about the potential for "voter fraud" seem to be sticking in someone's craw. Has a sour note been struck for someone? Inquiry minds want to know.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous #2 states, "the rather bogus allegation of "voter fraud." Any proof or is it just business as usual for Voice, throw enough crap against the wall and see what sticks."
VOICE didn't make the accusation of "voter fraud", that was made by Anonymous #1. Your comment though reminds me of a comment one of the re-elected councilors made in the press during the election. Hmmm??

Anonymous said...

De-Mock-racy said... "It really is amazing to me that so many of these trustees have been able to come back year after year given their ineptitude and the arrogance they display towards the parents of this community."

I don't think it's the parents of this community who are electing these same trustees over and over again. I haven't been able to find a parent yet who voted for any of them.