Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Unpublished letter to the Editor, sent to The Record, Nov. 2, 2008

Which is it, Mr. Mayor?

In the spring when Metro Vancouver began expropriating the Canfor Lands Mayor Wayne Wright told the public that Ms. Spitale’s visit to incinerators in England and Councilor Harper’s visit to Japanese incinerators were just coincidental and happened to be at the same time as family holidays. Many of us found that just a little too convenient and coincidental but we had to take the mayor at his word. However at the Downtown Business Improvement Association’s All-Candidate’s meeting the mayor told the audience that once he’d heard about Metro Vancouver’s expropriation of the Canfor lands for the sake of an incinerator he sent these two people on fact finding missions. I wonder which version the mayor would have us believe.

Neil Powell
Voice New Westminster Candidate for City Council


Anonymous said...

No wonder the letters are unpublished. The Record is too busy pumping up the chosen slate.
Not only are their stories slanted, but they have chosen not to write about all of the skanky stuff that is going on.
This current group governs for the benefit of friends and insiders.
It is never covered.
Marvelous reportage. How do you spell YELLOW JOURNALISM?

Anonymous said...

Are the workers of the Record represented by a Union therefore would they not be answering to the New Westminster and District Labour Council?

It would be interesting to see if any record staff are on the Council!